Online exhibition
The fundamental right to equal participation and access to Culture and Arts has been recognized by the UN (United Nations, 1948). his online platform was created by AMAKA as an open, free digital space in order to facilitate the (digital) cultural accessibility of disabled artists. Disabled artists who participated in the adapted museum tours and experiential art workshops of the ARTUNCUT vol. 1 and vol. 2 Projects exhibit their fascinating artworks.
Ceramic works by the beneficiaries of the Volos Foundation:

(from left:): Achilleas Vlachos, Andreas Melissidis, Christoforos Stamos, Nikos Zafiriou, Spyros Koliamitras
Head of the ceramics department: Synodi Diakomi
Artworks “Shadow & Light”
(anonymous artists)

(anonymous artists)

Georgiou Evaggelia “Mary Fokins”