What memories do you have from your home;
How was your long journey up to this point;
How does it feel to live in a new city;
The city is Athens 2011. And here is your Station… One place where you can share and express yourself using various artistic media and new technologies.
The STATION ATHENS workshop is organized initially as a collaboration of three non-governmental organizations active in supporting vulnerable groups.
Arsis, Polyplanity and AMAKA design an innovative program aimed at helping asylum seekers and refugees to adapt to the Greek society in social and cultural terms.
In the project participate young people, aged 15-30 years old, who have experienced and are experiencing aggravating or prohibitive circumstances for their proper personal development and access to the community and have arrived in Greece only recently.
Young people with Greek origins also participate in the program and thus the communication between different populations is encouraged.
Combining the visual arts with new technologies and drama play, social participation is enhanced and the integration process in the new environment is facilitated.
The word ‘station’ is used both figuratively, referring to the refugee movement, and literally.
All the action evolves in Synergio – an art space – in a specially designed laboratory and the activities are guided by qualified instructors in their area.
In a colorful and multilingual environment each year, we provide the space so that we can hear new stories, illustrate them with various optical media, and more importantly so that we can dream and imagine a beautiful future.
Station Athens closes this year its fourth year of operation. At the end of every year we organize an interactive theater performance.
This year “The Persians” will be presented in the festival of Athens, For more info Here
Station Athens 1
Station Athens 2