Τhe ‘Re-Flower’ project is the new project that AMAKA realizes throughout the year 2015-2016.
‘Re-flower’ is a photo-therapy workshop designed especially for women victims of trafficking and sex workers living in the center of Athens.
The workshop takes place every week for three hours in a building near where the women work.
With the use of participatory photography the women express their fears, explore their social landscape and fight for their right to create and be free. Exploring the inner world and reconnecting with the group through this non-violent dialogue, helps to heal traumas and reinforce self-esteem. Ultimate goal of the workshop is to enable these women to become active and self-sufficient members of the society, while mobilizing and raising the sensitivity of the public on this delicate subject
Re-Flower is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Grants Greek NGO Programme “We are all Citizens”. The Bodossaki Foundation is the Fund Operator of this Programme. The Programme aims to strengthen civil society and enhance the contribution of NGOs to social justice, democracy and sustainable development.
Τhe ‘Re-Flower’ project was initially created as of part The Attendants, a cross media project examining the world of the sex industry by Myrto Papadopoulos.