For second year AMAKA, in collaboration with S.G.T – Onassis Cultural Centre, organizes the workshop “I communicate therefore I am free”, a photo therapy workshop designed for adolescents.
The workshop creates an interactive visual dialogue on the issue of Human Rights between public schools of Athens and the Youth Delinquents Center of Piraeus.
Art therapists, artists, human rights specialists and photographers design several activities to be implemented to three different groups of adolescents, using as main tools video and photography techniques.
Throughout the workshops the groups will focus on the essence of Human Rights, especially how are those rights respected /or not in the urban environment .
Through photo walks, open conversations, group meetings and various activities, the participants will enhance their self esteem and express their thoughts in an innovative way.
Last year, the groups participating created a little book called the “ABC of my rights”, trying to give answers to the question “Which human right do I miss the most”.
The theme of this year is “stereotypes” and how they influence communication, and thus contribute in the violation of Human Rights.
More info for the S.G.T Educational Programs here : EDUCATION_CATALOGUE