“Boosting Inclusion Through Social Entrepreneurship – B.I.T.E.”
A 9 months program and a 6 days training Course
“B.I.T.E. -Boosting Inclusion Through social Entrepreneurship” project is a 9 months project leading to a 6 days Training Course (TC) that will focus on applying non formal methods in youth-workers’ professional development with special attention to organizations’ empowerment for a concrete ground impact on youth beneficiaries in local communities as multiplying effects. In particular the TC will provide organizations’ youth workers with competences related to entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship education for social inclusion of vulnerable target groups.
The final training course will be held in Bologna, from 20th of May till 27th of May 2018 and will gather 24 participants from 7 different countries: Italy, Macedonia, Albania, Tunisia, Morocco, Serbia and Greece.
The main objective of the project is to empower Youth Workers and their organizations in order to create multiplying effects on final beneficiaries identified in vulnerable groups, namely youngsters, women and migrants at risk of social exclusion in the 7 countries. People who have limited access to financial resources, economic and educational opportunities, vocational and educational counseling and/or integration in the labour market.
– To acquire competences in how to develop Life Skills for enhancing self-entreprenuership and employability for vulnerable groups;
– To foster the capacity building of coaching and mentorship skills in youth workers;
– To Increase the capacity of organizations to create ground impacts, disseminate and exploit training outputs and outcomes of E+;
– To stimulate organizations in using E+, EaSI, E.Y.E. programmes to work and support with tools Young Would be Entrepreneurs;
– To create sustainable networks among organizations and countries for follow up activities and cooperation development;
– To better understand the reality of disadvantaged youngsters in several countries and needs of the current labour markets and economic niches hiding entrepreneurial chances;
– To boost social and economic inclusion of youngsters supported in skills development tracks providing them with practical tools to increase their chances for employability and tackle youth unemployment and social exclusion.
The language of the training course will be English.
The participants should fulfill the following criteria:
Age above 18
Willing to get involved in youth work activities which will contribute to intercultural dialogue and acceptance of diversity in communities and in international projects
Able to work in English
Willing to share the new knowledge with the members of his/her organization once he/she gets back
Able to attend the entire duration of the course
Leader organization:
Ferfilo, Italy www.ferfilo.com
Partner organizations:
CEFA – Comitato Europeo per la formacione e agricoltura onlus, Italy (3 participants expected)
Center for sustainable development ALKA, Macedonia (3 participants expected)
Shoqata tjeter VIZION – TVO, Albania (3 participants expected)
Association Sidi Bouzitoun, Tunisia (3 participants expected)
Association al Intilaka pour le Developpement l’Environnement et la Culture, Morocco (3 participants expected)
ATINA – Citizens’ association for combating trafficking in human beings and all forms of gender-based violence, Serbia (3 participants expected
How to apply
Deadline 08/02/2018
please download the APPLICATION FORM
and review carefully the TRAVEL INFORMATION