01 February, 2025
Muntpunt Library, Brussels,

European Exhibition PAROL Χ

An overview of artwork created by inmates from thirteen prisons and artists in Belgium, Greece, Italy, Poland and Serbia.

The European project PAROL! (2013-2015) establishes a link between art, detention and society at large.

X presents literary and visual work by artists working with inmates from thirteen prisons in Belgium, Greece, Italy, Poland and Serbia.

The exhibition provides insight into European prison cultures and artistic practices and into the interaction that has taken place between different countries. Ensconced in the Muntpunt collection for a month are literary and visual disciplines ranging from short poetry, slam poetry, photography and video art to the art of storytelling and the graphic arts.

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DATES: 4/04 – 5/04 2015

VENUE: Muntpunt Library in Brussels

For more info on the show, please click here…

For more info on the PAROL program “Thiva KM102”, please click here…

see a short video at: http://www.brusselnieuws.be/en/video/tvbrussel/expo-x-feeling-freedom-behind-prison-walls

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